
About Us | Consultancy Team |   References  

The costumers of KB Consultancy Department are international firms that are aware of the advantage of working with us as well as domestic and major Turkish companies which are ranked within the first 500 firms in Turkey.

KB Consultancy Department providing services since 1994 offers solutions for real estate professionals within different fields.

  • Total evaluated value has reached 53 Billion USD.
  • More than 1000 valuation and research reports have been undersigned.
  • Reporting services have been provided in 4 countries and 56 cities in Turkey.
  • We have a database consisting of approximately 118.000 properties.

Red areas show the districts that we have worked in.

KB Consultancy Department has visited Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Albania, Georgia, Crimea, Dubai,Kuwait and Cyprus. In addition, our team is planning to visit Russia, Armenia, Syria, Libya, and other countries where real estate sector is developing.